365 giorni di viaggio, un anno per andare fino agli antipodi e tornare indietro.
Italia, Nuova Zelanda, Australia, Bali, Sumatra, Malesia, Filippine, Malesia, Java, Singapore, Tailandia, Laos, Cambogia, Tailandia, Italia.
Ho una manciata di ricordi degli ultimi mesi che mi vengono in mente.
Ho il ricordo spiacevole di chi, nonostante i miei sforzi di comunicare, ha saputo soltanto dirmi "ma quanti soldi hai!".
Ho il ricordo della mia testa persa nei pensieri e all'improvviso la percezione del freddo, il vento ruvido sulla pelle, il rumore della barca sul Mekong, gli occhi che ritornavano al fiume...
Non mi sono mosso, ho ascoltato quel vento freddo e doloroso che mi ha riportato al presente parlarmi di vita.
Ho il ricordo degli occhi obliqui di Srey scrutare a lungo i miei, forse cercare un linguaggio per trovare l'amore dopo una notte di follia a Siem Reap.
Ho il ricordo degli occhi annacquati di chi mi ha mentito per rubarmi dei soldi.
Ho il ricordo di una notte calda di Bangkok in compagnia di Paolo e una telefonata intercontinentale con il Costarica a decidere di quell'illusione chiamata futuro.
Ho il ricordo delle lacrime calde di Sachiko all'aeroporto.
Se credessi nella fortuna mi chiamerei fortunato. Ma credo solo nelle scelte, nel desiderio custodito con saggezza e disciplina, nel presente.
Credo chel Dio che vive dentro noi, che si esprime ogni qual volta faccio silenzio nella mente.
Credo che l'amore sia lasciare all'altro lo spazio di essere quello che é, e quindi nel non giudizio. Credo quindi che i concetti di Bene e Male siano strumenti che la mente utilizza per classificare il mondo, per dividere l'Unità in tante piccole scatole e rinunciare alla fatica di percepire e accettare la realtà così come la realtà é.
Avrei tante cose da raccontare ma non ho tempo.
Il momento presente reclama tutta la mia attenzione, come un figlio appena nato che urla per avere i miei occhi, le mie mani.
Non ho tempo per ricordare e non ho tempo per sognare. Ho solo questo attimo per vivere, eterno e unico, tutto il resto non è che illusione.
L'Australasian muore qui ma, in realtà, chiude soltanto gli occhi, prende fiato e si tuffa in una nuova avventura dall'altra parte del mondo.
Tenerife. Ora.
mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012
Happy travelday
365 days of travel, a year to go to the antipodes and back. Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sumatra, Malaysia, Philippines, Malaysia, Java, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Italy.
I have a handful of memories of the past few months that come to mind.
I have the unpleasant memory of those who, despite my efforts to communicate, has only been able to say "but how much money you have.".
I have the memory of my head lost in its the thoughts and suddenly the perception of cold, the rough wind on the skin, the sound of the boat on the Mekong, the eyes returning to the river ...
I did not move, I heard the wind cold and painful that brought me to the present talk to me about life.
I have the memory of the slanted Srey's eyes looking at my eyes for a long time, maybe look for a language to find love after a crazy night in Siem Reap.
I remember the watery eyes of those who lied to me to steal me some money.
I have the memory of a hot night in Bangkok in the company of Paolo and a telephone call with Costa Rica to decide of that illusion called future.
I remember the Sachiko's hot tears at the airport.
If I believed in luck I'd call me lucky. But I only believe in the choices, in the desire guarded with wisdom and discipline, in the present. I believe in that God who lives within us, who is expressed whenever I do silence in the mind.
I believe that love is leaving another space to be what it is, and then in non-judgment. So I think that the concepts of Good and Evil are tools that the mind uses to classify the world, to divide the Unit into little boxes and abandon the effort to perceive and accept reality as it is..
I have so much to tell but I have no time.
The present moment demands all my attention, like a newborn child who screams to get my eyes, my hands.
I have no time to remember and I have no time to dream. I have just this moment to live, one and eternal, everything else is just illusion.
The Australasian dies here but, in reality, it just closes his eyes, takes a breath and dives into a new adventure across the world.
Tenerife. Right now.
I have a handful of memories of the past few months that come to mind.
I have the unpleasant memory of those who, despite my efforts to communicate, has only been able to say "but how much money you have.".
I have the memory of my head lost in its the thoughts and suddenly the perception of cold, the rough wind on the skin, the sound of the boat on the Mekong, the eyes returning to the river ...
I did not move, I heard the wind cold and painful that brought me to the present talk to me about life.
I have the memory of the slanted Srey's eyes looking at my eyes for a long time, maybe look for a language to find love after a crazy night in Siem Reap.
I remember the watery eyes of those who lied to me to steal me some money.
I have the memory of a hot night in Bangkok in the company of Paolo and a telephone call with Costa Rica to decide of that illusion called future.
I remember the Sachiko's hot tears at the airport.
If I believed in luck I'd call me lucky. But I only believe in the choices, in the desire guarded with wisdom and discipline, in the present. I believe in that God who lives within us, who is expressed whenever I do silence in the mind.
I believe that love is leaving another space to be what it is, and then in non-judgment. So I think that the concepts of Good and Evil are tools that the mind uses to classify the world, to divide the Unit into little boxes and abandon the effort to perceive and accept reality as it is..
I have so much to tell but I have no time.
The present moment demands all my attention, like a newborn child who screams to get my eyes, my hands.
I have no time to remember and I have no time to dream. I have just this moment to live, one and eternal, everything else is just illusion.
The Australasian dies here but, in reality, it just closes his eyes, takes a breath and dives into a new adventure across the world.
Tenerife. Right now.
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