What’s the Australasian ? It isn’t a disease, a contagious epidemic. I hope that it is one day, I mean, I wish a lot of other people follow a way as the mine, if my way is good.
Australasian is an idea, it’s me at this moment or, better, the direction that I’m following. It’s also the name of the insurance plan that I did with Uni-care.
After New Zealand, my travel plan starts from Sydney, another sea town that I like very much and it will go ahead to Perth the first days of May. Then in some way I’ll go up to north and finally to west, in a not defined time.
It will be less travel and more experience, tangle of crossings of life and signs in the soul.
I believe that everyone is what he think or what he has the braveness to be. I know I’ll always keep with me the fear, and all his derivates, as Jesus in the Getsemani. I can’t fight with it, because fighting I give it strength and, moreover, it lives inside me. I can’t fight with myself.
What I can do is to accept it, as a not polite roommate, and to believe that Light lives inside me as well, to believe that the Life will take care of me also in the most deep hell, in all the deaths that I’ll choose to live as well.
I love the Light. I love the brightly morning, with the sun low over the horizon, especially after a night cold or rich only of doubts.
The light don’t leave space to the doubt. The light is hope, is complete confidence, is the Life that flow in your veins with a lot of bubbles.
I loved the desert and silent nights but now I turn, the Australasian chooses the light at full time. He chooses yellow, orange and red, the colors of the fire for a new time of Light.
Good Easter of Resurrection!
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